Monday, November 22, 2010

Salad dressing crisis

Tonight we had spinach ravioli, green beans, and a fresh salad. I was really looking forward to the fresh salad.

After I washed and prepared the salad greens, tomatoes, onions, and Parmesan cheese- I found out that Adam pitched the small collection of salad dressings because they were a little older. I left for the Midwest last year in January, so its probably fair. 

So, I thought about driving to the grocery store but decided against it because of the traffic. Traffic in Northern Virginia is a nightmare (which is why I really, really, really appreciate Iowa's wide open spaces and not so much traffic).

Instead, we made our own dressing- mix these up to taste and I guarantee it beats anything you've had! The fresh, clean taste is unbelievable!

Olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
lemon juice
lemon zest
salt and pepper

I'm ready for another (not really, but it was really delicious!).

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