Thursday, May 30, 2013

Restless on a/ some Rainy Day(s)

Lately (as in the last couple of weeks) it has been raining and occasionally there has been chilly temps, some gusty winds, and thunderstorms. I was thinking that this long Memorial Day weekend would be ideal for working at the farm- finishing up the last of the staggered late season crops and adding flowers (yes, I keep asking Adam- the master plot planner- for more space for flowers and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't), weeding, and just tidying up.

That didn't pan out...

This is near the driveway where we have some pinto beans planted. 
At least a couple of ducks are enjoying the water. There are some wild Mallards that are calling our place home. As of today, we named them Puddles and Petunia. I'm sure they will leave us if the water ever goes down.

In the meantime, it's still too muddy to work out there and work has slowed down a bit. That is the perfect recipe for going stir crazy. Hence the restlessness.

So I guess that means cleaning, ironing, and all of that good inside work. 
Maybe that means trying out a new recipe or two.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Heritage Hill Farm Update

Lately, I have been a crazy person.

Between the rain and the cooler overnight temperatures, it has been a slow start at the farm compared to last year. We were able to plant the cool season crops (broccoli, cabbage, kohlrabi, peas, lettuce, potatoes, and much more) and they are all doing well.

Last night, we had to move out tomatoes and peppers inside because of the lows in the 30's. And get this, tomorrow it is going to be in the 90's. What in the world!?

This week our plan is to get everything in the ground and watch it grow, while hopefully catching some lucky breaks with rains (that is after our planting is complete- that's not asking for too much, right?). Soon enough we will be harvesting and cooking up a storm.

Here are some shots from around the farm.

Adam is our onion head grower
French Fingerling potatoes from Seed Savers Exchange


Jacob's Cattle Bean- each bean is a little different. 

You can't beat our sunsets at the farm!