So, this is a little overdue. Happy be-lated Valentine's Day.
This is the only picture that I have from when I was younger. I stumbled on it the other day. For reasons that I won't go into, I essentially started over with my life about five years ago now. When I left, I left without much of anything. This photo was from my grandma's house with one of my favorite friends, Pewie. Pewie was a small dog and I have no clue what breed.
Adam and I are going back and forth about a dog. We have a bet, but I'm not sure that I'm going to win it because of some recent setbacks. That means, it is going to be tougher to accomplish my financial goal for work. I am sure trying hard...
Adam grew up in Chicago with a black lab named Jessie. I could just see him spending hours and hours training and taking care of the family's dog. In the future, once we are settled in and under the same roof, he would like another lab.
In the case of opposites, I am more interested in a small dog. I would like a French Bulldog. Adam's cousin brought her French Bulldog to Chicago over the Holidays. Stevie is such a great dog! Since then, I've been letting Adam know that I need a Stevie... hence, the work in progress to get a Stevie!
I also love France and studied abroad during college.I would go back in a second if I could.
In high school, our mascot was a Bulldog. It might have been our principal or staff member, who owned a bulldog that made appearances at our Homecoming events. His name was Beans and he was massive.
How can you say no to this little Frenchie?